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Faculty Profiles - English

portrait if available
Joshua Chase
Assistant Professor
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-102
portrait if available
Jana Giles
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-117
portrait if available
Janet Haedicke
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-98
portrait if available
Jaleesa Harris
Assistant Professor
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-121
portrait if available
Dawson Jacobs
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-101
portrait if available
Tabitha Loveless McBride
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-111
portrait if available
Meredith McKinnie
Assistant Professor
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-108
portrait if available
Hannah Meredith
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-112
portrait if available
Patrick Morgan
Assistant Professor
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-103
portrait if available
Elizabeth Oldfather
Associate Professor
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-113
portrait if available
James Pettit
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-106
portrait if available
Vanelis Rivera
Assistant Professor
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-109
portrait if available
Will Rogers
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-17
portrait if available
Tia Smith
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-109
portrait if available
Adarian Turner
School of Humanities
location iconWALK 3-125