Instructor: Blake Farman
Office: 102 Lord House (16 Colchester Ave)
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00
Or by appointment.
E-Mail: bfarman at cems dot uvm dot edu
Phone: (802) 656-3084
Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:00 to 5:15 in Lafayette L403
Text: Excursions in Modern Mathematics, Custom Edition for UVM by Peter Tannenbaum
Course Website:
Homework, test dates and other various announcements will be made here, as well as in class.
Announcements: There is an RSS feed on the course website:
which should work with your favorite reader, so you can get any updates posted to the site automatically.
Course Description: Introduction to mathematics of finite systems with applications, such as probability, statistics, growth and symmetry, graph theory, fair division and apportionment problems, voting systems. Prerequisite: Two years of secondary school algebra or 9 or 10.
Homework: Homework sets will generally be assigned on Thursdays and you will have one week to complete them. There are 15 weeks in the course, so there will be approximately 15 assignments. Of those, 10 will be graded.
Homework is expected to be handed in, in a neat manner. Illegible work will not be accepted.
Late Work: Late work will not be accepted, except under extenuating circumstances. Your dog (or any other, either wild or domesticated, animal) eating your homework is not an extenuating circumstance.
Exams: There are, tentatively, three exams scheduled covering chapters 1, 2 & 3, chapters 5 & 6, and chapters 7 & 13, respectively.
The exact date of the exams will be announced in class, but are tentatively scheduled for the weeks the final chapters are finished:
Exam 1: Week 6
Exam 2: Week 10
Exam 3: Week 14.
Final Exam: The final exam will take place Thursday, December 10, 2009 from 3:30 to 6:30 in Lafayette L403. You will be expected to show up for the exam at the time it is scheduled. A make-up exam will only be administered in extreme circumstances, and must be arranged before the exam.
Expectations: Students are expected to act in accordance to the rules outlined in the school's Codes of Conduct:

Homework: 60%
Exams: 20%
Final: 20%

Grading Scheme:

A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
D: 60-69%
F: < 60%

Academic Assistance: Students with documented learning disabilities are entitled, by law, to certain "reasonable accommodations." If you have a documented reason for special accommodations, you must provide written evidence as soon as possible from the appropriate office. Further info can be found at