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Division of Business Affairs
Facilities Management and Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)

Safety Meetings & Training

All employees must complete quarterly safety training.  This includes all faculty, staff, student workers, graduate assistants, and part-time personnel.  Also included are personnel stationed off campus. 

Quarterly safety training and instructions are located here: https://www.ulm.edu/hr/training-system.html


 Meeting Topics Per Quarter

Please log into the training system and complete your quarterly training here: 
  play button
Laboratory Safety and Chemical Hygiene Training

Lab Safety Training 


Training Resources

New Hire Orientation - These videos are used for new hire orientation. Please view each one to the end in order to receive credit:

Orientation - Part 1

Orientation - Part 2

Orientation - Part 3


Safety Training Matrix - This document lets you know which training is required according to which duties or tasks are assigned to you.

LOTO Affected Employees - This document is used for reference material. This is the presentation used to training Affected Employees of their roles and responsibilities in lockout/tagout.
