Bony Fishes (Class Osteichthyes)
Louisiana has a high diversity of freshwater fishes. This diversity probably
exceeds 150 different species or types of fishes. Louisiana's varied habitats
play a large role in the tremendous diversity of fish. Louisiana's freshwater
habitats include sluggish bayous, oxbow lakes, ponds, swamps, swift flowing
streams, large rivers, large lakes, and marshes. The diversity of the
fishes at the Restoration Park will be limited by the number of different
habitats. Freshwater habitats at the park are limited basically to a small
stream, marshes, and several ponds. Therefore, many of Louisiana's species
would not be found at Restoration Park. Some of the more common species
include several types of catfish, several species of gars, bowfin, various
types of minnow, mosquitofish, several species of bream (sunfish), largemouth
bass, and darters.