Master of Music Education
Admission Information
How to Apply
2) Upload the following as in the "Supplemental Forms" section of the Application:
- A valid music teaching credential
- A writing sample chosen from the following options (or an alternate option determined
by the MME faculty if none of these is feasible) :
- a high quality undergraduate research paper
- professional essay/position paper of at least 3 pages which presents your reasoned
opinions about a) why the Arts/Music should be included in school curriculum, b) your
short term goals for contributing to arts education through your current job, and
c) long term professional contributions you could make to society at large following
completion of the degree.
- extensive handbook or similar teaching document that is primarily your work
- Professional letters of recommendation (3) from those who have supervised or observed
you in teaching/performance environments and can address your strengths
For additional information please contact Dr. Carlton Kilpatrick