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College of Arts, Education & Sciences
Visual and Performing Arts
Collage of art student activitiescollage of musical imagescollage of theatre and dance

Art concentrations are offered in ceramics, drawing, graphic design, painting, and art education

Music studies include performance, theory/composition, musical theatre, piano pedagogy, and music education

A variety of performance opportunities enhance studio-based studies in theatre and dance


VAPA programs are designed to develop your expertise, challenge your creativity, and fuel your passion for the arts!

Art concentrations are offered in ceramics, drawing, graphic design, painting, and art education.

Music studies include performance, theory and composition, piano pedagogy, and music education.

Theater and dance offer a variety of performance opportunities to enhance studio-based studies.

To find out more about our wide array of programs, come visit us in Biedenharn Hall (ULM campus map) or contact VAPA at 318-342-3811.

Dr. BratcherDr. Nicholas Bratcher
School of Visual and Performing Arts





Recent VAPA News

ULM School of VAPA presents Little Shop of Horrors, Mar. 27-30

The University of Louisiana Monroe School of Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) presents the musical Little Shop of Horrors, March 27-30, at Brown Auditorium, 4001 Desiard St., on the ULM campus. Show times for Thursday, March 27, through Saturday, March 29, are 7:00 p.m. The show will close with a 2:00 p.m. matinee on Sunday, March 30. Tickets are $20 for general admission and $15 for ULM faculty and staff. ULM students get in free with ID. Tickets are available online at https://bit.ly/ulm_little_shop or at the door prior to each performance.

ULM presents Kaleidoscope: A Global Holiday Celebration on Dec. 3

DescriptionThe University of Louisiana Monroe School of Visual and Performing Arts is excited to announce "Kaleidoscope: A Global Holiday Celebration." The program is an immersive experience incorporating vocal and instrumental music, dance, and visual art. Kaleidoscope will take place in Brown Theatre, 4001 Desiard St. in Monroe on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the program begins at 7:00 p.m. General admission tickets are $20 per person. ULM faculty and staff tickets are $15 per person with ID. ULM students are admitted for free. Tickets for the Patron Pre-Party at 6:00 p.m. in Bry Art Gallery are available for $75 and include admission to the program. Tickets are available at ulm.edu/kaleidoscop

•  Fight Song [mp3]

•  Alma Mater [mp3]



