State Standard

A1. Planning
A2. Management
A3. Instruction
A4. Curriculum
A4. Curriculum: Reading
A4. Curriculum: Math
A5. Technology
A6. Professional Development
A7. School Improvement
B1. School and District Accountability
B2. Testing
Conceptual Framework
Standard 1
Standard 2
Standard 3
Standard 4
Standard 5
Standard 6
State Standard


A4. Curriculum

In CURR 303 much emphasis is placed on the drafting of tests for appropriate content area. Undergraduate candidates must construct valid and reliable test items that show variety and align with the state's GLEs. In addition to secondary undergraduate candidates in CURR 303, elementary undergraduate candidates in ELED 342, 441, 442, and 443 must indicate the GLEs addressed in their lesson and unit plans using the appropriate nomenclature. Both elementary and secondary undergraduate candidates are required to access the GLEs to align behavioral objectives and all lesson activities in an effort to make decisions as to the depth, breadth, and frequency of both informal and formal assessments. The teacher work sample implemented in both CURR 304 and student teaching, further engages candidates in the understanding and skill of making instructional decisions by analyzing assessment data that determined whether a student mastered the GLE.

Graduate candidates enrolled in Master of Arts in Teaching and Masters of Education courses 510 and 5ll must also reference their GLEs in unit plans submitted as course requirement.

(Exhibit 1c1.1 Undergraduate Signature Assessment Description, Rubrics and Data)
(Exhibit 1b1.1 MAT Signature Assessment Description, Rubric & Data)
(Exhibit 1b2.1 M.Ed. Signature Assessment, Description, Rubric & Data)