State Standard

A1. Planning
A2. Management
A3. Instruction
A4. Curriculum
A4. Curriculum: Reading
A4. Curriculum: Math
A5. Technology
A6. Professional Development
A7. School Improvement
B1. School and District Accountability
B2. Testing
Conceptual Framework
Standard 1
Standard 2
Standard 3
Standard 4
Standard 5
Standard 6
State Standard


A7. School Improvement

In the initial teacher education programs, Elementary and Secondary undergraduate candidates (B.S./B.A/B.M.E.) are introduced to school improvement plans and state report cards in their coursework (CURR 450 [SA4 Classroom Profile]; CURR 375A [SA Learning Community Profile]), and are provided opportunities to participate in site-based decision making as part of their field placement [Student Teaching: Learning Community Profile]. Graduate students in both initial (M.A.T.) and advanced (M.Ed.) levels investigate school improvement in their course work (Internship [School Profile]; EDLE 505 [School Improvement Planning Process]) and are encouraged to participate in school improvement efforts by serving on committees and forming partnerships with community groups during their field work[Field Experiences portal: Agendas and special meetings].

(Exhibit 1c1.1 Undergraduate Signature Assessment Description, Rubrics and Data)
(Exhibit 1b1.1 MAT Signature Assessment Description, Rubric & Data)
(Exhibit 1b2.1 M.Ed. Signature Assessment, Description, Rubric & Data)