Preview, Registration & Enrollment Program
Preparing for PREP
Before PREP
There are several things you should take care of before coming to Freshmen Orientation.
Please make use of the checklist below.
- Watch for future PREP communications (email, mailed packet, texts and calls). Important
information will be sent to you with instructions regarding PREP.
- Take care of unfinished ULM business. You can make use of the time before your PREP
session to make sure all of your ULM business is in order (Admissions, Financial Aid,
Residential Life, etc.). Utilize the Related Links and Contact sections for assistance.
- See Details regarding Dual Enrollment and Collegiate Programs Students. We dedicated
a special section on our PREP website for students who earned college credit through
Dual Enrollment and Collegiate Programs at ULM and other institutions. Please be sure
to check out this section for special instructions that will aid in your registration
- Download the Warhawk Life App. The Warhawk Life App will provide great information
throughout your PREP session and will also be useful during the school year.