Graduate Program
Graduate students in Biology work towards earning a Masters of Science degree Biology.
ULM offers both a thesis and a non-thesis option; both require 33 graduate hours to
Students seeking admission to the Biology Graduate Program must first be admitted
to the ULM Graduate School.
- Application forms may be obtained online from the Office of Graduate Studies and Research.
- In addition to a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5, the Biology Graduate Program requires
either a score of 291 or higher on the GRE General Test (combined verbal and quantitative
scores), or a total of 623 points when the GPA is multiplied by the combined verbal
and quantitative GRE General Test scores.
- Student should have taken the appropriate combination of introductory and upper level
Biology courses; a limited number of course deficiencies can be taken after admission.
A limited number of assistantships are available through the Biology Program. Application
forms can be obtained from the Office of Graduate Studies and Research.
- To be considered for an assistantship, a student must be admitted to the Biology Graduate
Program in regular or conditional status and provide three letters of recommendation.
International students must demonstrate proficiency in English language skills (see
the ULM Graduate Catalog under Procedure for Admission). Assistantships are considered
half-time employment appointments. Duty descriptions given below assume a 20 hour
per week work commitment by the student.
For complete information on the graduate program in Biology, click here for our graduate handbook outlining specific requirements, assistantship types and
stipends, and details of coursework and research expectations. Graduate course offerings
can be found in the graduate catalog.
Any questions regarding the program can be directed to our graduate coordinator:
Dr. Joydeep Bhattacharjee (