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University Library

Government Documents


Search These Websites for Government Publications

To start a quick search for government documents, try these websites: GovInfo for online federal documents, and the Louisiana Public Document Depository Program webpage where users can choose to search the State Library’s online catalog or go directly to the digital archive.


Search the Catalog of the ULM Library for Government Publications



Government publications in electronic format can be accessed by searching the ULM Library’s catalog, and printed publications can be found in a special collection of government publications located on the 4th floor of the library. Please note that not all printed publications can be checked out of the library. 

Another special collection of government document material in different formats (i.e., microfilm, maps, DVDs, CD-Roms) can be found on the 2nd floor, Room 202.  Look for the Federal Depository Library Program “Eagle” sign and the Louisiana State document sign on the glass doors of Room 202.

For assistance with finding publications within our Library, call 318-342-1072, or for assistance with reference questions about government publications, call 318-342-1053.


About Government Publications & Louisiana State Documents     

gov docs eagleThe University Library collections contain more than 190,000 print and non-print federal and state publications. The Library receives these materials at no cost as part of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) and the Louisiana Public Document Depository Program (LPDDP).Logo of Louisiana State Documents Depository Program

Since 1813, select U.S. Government documents (i.e., congressional bills, laws, regulations) have been made available throughout the United States to designated libraries, which are known as Federal depository libraries.  In 1983, the ULM Library became a selective depository for Federal documents, and a complete depository for Louisiana state documents.  Established by the Louisiana Legislature in 1948, the Louisiana Public Document Depository Program (LPDDP) provides free access to Louisiana’s public documents (i.e., hunting and fishing regulations, coastal protection and restoration plans).  The Recorder of Documents office, the administrator of this program, for the state of Louisiana receives copies of all public documents from state agencies and institutions, and distributes the documents to academic, public, and special depository libraries in Louisiana.  


