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College of Pharmacy


Welcome to the ULM Chapter of National Community Oncology Dispensing Association

We are a student branch of the National Community Oncology Dispensing Association (NCODA). NCODA is a not-for-profit organization founded to strengthen oncology organizations with medically-integrated services.


Mission Statement:


The Mission of NCODA is patient centered, collaborative care. They hope to empower the medically-integrated oncology team to deliver positive, patient-centered outcomes by providing leadership, expertise, quality standards and best practices.


Student Benefits:


• Oncology Education- They provide monthly education specifically for students. These topics cover a wide range of information that are usually only briefly discussed during school lectures. These webinars provide a chance to hear from doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and current pharmacy students.  They also have webinars geared toward practicing pharmacists that are presented on a higher level.   

• APPE Rotation- They currently offer a virtual/in-person APPE rotation. This is a non-patient care elective in Oncology. The APPE provides students a chance to learn more about oncology, association management skills, and the pharmaceutical industry.   

• Publications/Presentations- They provide the chance for students to become published in Oncolytics Today and ForumRewind.  Students have the opportunity to present on an international stage during educational webinars. 

• Post-Graduate Fellowships- They also currently have 2 fellowship opportunities that students can apply for: Oncology Association Management Fellowship and Oncology | Advocacy | Health Policy and Equity Fellowship

Goals of our student chapter are:


• Improve and expand the student’s knowledge of the oncology world early in their academic career.

• Educate and register the community on Be The Match. 

• Increase awareness of supportive care needed for oncology patients.


NCODA Student 

NCODA Website



President Marley McEacharn
President-Elect Jodi Bourgeois
Director of Finance Matthew Molaison
Director of Professional Programming Angel Raney
Director of Communications Danielle Camacho
Director of Social Media & Marketing Shelby Whitney
Director of Fundraising Samantha McGuffee
HPV Initiative Head Callie Tims
Supportive Care Initiative Head Shelby Estess
NMDP (Be the Match) Initiative Head Kaitlyn Le
Faculty Advisor Dr. Jameshia Below

ULM College of Pharmacy
Bienville Building
1800 Bienville Dr
Monroe, LA 71201

7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

(318) 342-1600
