We are a student branch of the National Community Oncology Dispensing Association (NCODA). NCODA is a not-for-profit organization founded to strengthen oncology organizations with medically-integrated services.
Mission Statement:
The Mission of NCODA is patient centered, collaborative care. They hope to empower the medically-integrated oncology team to deliver positive, patient-centered outcomes by providing leadership, expertise, quality standards and best practices.
Student Benefits:
• Oncology Education- They provide monthly education specifically for students. These topics cover a wide range of information that are usually only briefly discussed during school lectures. These webinars provide a chance to hear from doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and current pharmacy students. They also have webinars geared toward practicing pharmacists that are presented on a higher level.
• APPE Rotation- They currently offer a virtual/in-person APPE rotation. This is a non-patient care elective in Oncology. The APPE provides students a chance to learn more about oncology, association management skills, and the pharmaceutical industry.
• Publications/Presentations- They provide the chance for students to become published in Oncolytics Today and ForumRewind. Students have the opportunity to present on an international stage during educational webinars.
• Post-Graduate Fellowships- They also currently have 2 fellowship opportunities that students can apply for: Oncology Association Management Fellowship and Oncology | Advocacy | Health Policy and Equity Fellowship
Goals of our student chapter are:
• Improve and expand the student’s knowledge of the oncology world early in their academic career.
• Educate and register the community on Be The Match.
• Increase awareness of supportive care needed for oncology patients.
President | Marley McEacharn |
President-Elect | Jodi Bourgeois |
Director of Finance | Matthew Molaison |
Director of Professional Programming | Angel Raney |
Director of Communications | Danielle Camacho |
Director of Social Media & Marketing | Shelby Whitney |
Director of Fundraising | Samantha McGuffee |
HPV Initiative Head | Callie Tims |
Supportive Care Initiative Head | Shelby Estess |
NMDP (Be the Match) Initiative Head | Kaitlyn Le |
Faculty Advisor | Dr. Jameshia Below |
ULM College of Pharmacy
Bienville Building
1800 Bienville Dr
Monroe, LA 71201
7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
(318) 342-1600