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Emily Williamson Laboratory School

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Pre-K 4 RoomToddler RoomInfant RoomPre-K 3 Room


The study of young children's growth and development has been a part of the university since the early 1950s.  This lab facility has offered students from many university disciplines hands-on experiences working with young children and learning about their growth and development.  Today, the lab school serves an exemplary program, featuring one of our state's first design-specific preschool outdoor classrooms.  We facilitate change in child-care with a continued focus on quality care, education, health, and safety as we collaborate with other community agencies to meet the needs of families in Northeast Louisiana. 

EWLS History


Emily WilliamsonIn memory of Mrs. Emily Williamson, the ULM Child Development Center has been renamed the ULM Emily Williamson Laboratory School (ULM EWLS). Mrs. Emily became director of the ULM CDC in 2003 and held that position until she lost her battle with cancer in 2019. Mrs. Emily left a lasting legacy through her devotion to the center's children, parents, and staff, and the University of Louisiana Monroe, and we enthusiastically continue her world at the ULM EWLS. See the news release here, ULM renames child development center the Emily Williamson Laboratory School
