The cost of attendance (COA) is an estimate of what it costs the typical student to attend University of Louisiana Monroe. It is not your bill. It is your budgeted amount based upon your student type. This is the "bucket" you use to fill with all of the aid you qualify for. Your cost of attendance is based on full time status (12 hours for undergrad/PharmD and 9 hours for graduate). The amounts cover your college tuition and basic living expenses. It is important for you to budget and make wise decisions regarding how to utilize the financial aid funds you receive. Each student has a cap of how much they can receive in their Cost of Attendance (COA, Budget or "Bucket"). Once you reach that cap, the ULM Financial Aid Office is required by law, to reduce any excess so each student remains within their budgeted amount.
Below is a breakdown of what each component within the COA consists of.
Tuition and Fees: The average cost of tuition and fees for a typical undergraduate student based on enrolling for 30 hours per academic year (Fall and Spring terms). The average cost of tuition and fees for a typical graduate student based on enrolling for 18 hours per academic year (Fall and Spring terms). The actual costs that a student incurs will vary depending on the student’s degree or certificate program.
Room and Board: A reasonable estimate of what it would cost to live in Monroe while attending school for an academic year. Actual costs may vary by individual choices related to location and circumstances. Typically includes rent, food, snacks, household supplies and utilities.
Books: The average cost of books and supplies for a typical student for an entire academic year. Typically includes books, educational supplies, course materials, and computer-related expenses excluding the purchase of a personal computer.
Travel: Represents travel to and from parent's residence and transportation costs to and from class and work (e.g., gasoline, parking)
Miscellaneous: Estimate of costs for clothing, haircuts, entertainment and other miscellaneous expenses. What you actually spend on these types of items may be higher or lower depending on your own lifestyle.
NOTE: Adjustments to Cost of Attendance will be considered for a one time purchase of a computer. Please see your Financial Aid counselor if you have questions concerning these adjustments.
Here is a list to the detailed COA (Cost of Attendance) by student type and enrollment.
Please remember, this is not your bill!