The social work curriculum involves two components, pre-professional level social work and professional level social work. All students entering the Social Work Program are classified as pre-professional level social work majors. Applications for admission to the professional level social work curriculum must meet the general ULM admission requirements for all majors AND meet the following requirements:
Those who have completed the above requirements may apply for admission into the professional level of the Social Work Major. Students must request applications from Christian Specks via e-mail at
Completed applications should be addressed and submitted to Professor Christian Specks,
Admissions Coordinator. You may return your completed application to the primary School
of Social & Behavioral Science (Social Work Department) located in Strauss Hall (Room
208) or directly to professor Specks in Strauss Hall (Room 226).
Application packets are due by Monday, March 17, 2025, by 4:00 p.m.
Application Instructions for Admission to Professional Level SOCW Program.pdf
ULM Application Form to Professional Level Social Work.docx
ULM Reference Form for Application to Professional Level SOCW.pdf
The Social Work Department Admissions Committee will review applications, interview
applicants, and make a decision on the status of the applicants. This committee is
composed of the Chair of the Social Work Department Admissions Committee, one other
social work faculty member (on a rotating basis), a social work professional level
major with senior standing, and a professional social worker from the community.
The Head of the Social Work Department notifies the students in writing of the Committee's
decision. If for some reason a student is not transitioned to the professional level
of the social work major, reapplication may be made the next semester. Those not transitioned
to the professional level curriculum will not be allowed to enroll in Interviewing
and the Helping Relationship (SOCW 3001), Practice 1 (SOCW 3015), Practice II (SOCW
4016), Field Education in Social Work (SOCW 4021), or Field Education Seminar (SOCW
Social Work and Practicum Track Social Work majors who earn less than a "C" in Social Work courses required for the major will be allowed to repeat courses only one time. Failure to achieve a progressive grade the second time will result in suspension from the Social Work Program for one semester. Students, classified as Social Work majors, who are suspended from the program or the University, or who resign or withdraw from the University, will have their status reviewed by the Chair of the Admissions Committee and may be required to resubmit an application for readmission into the program.