The Louisiana High School Technology Challenge. Teamwork + Technology = Success You can have incredible accomplishments through teamwork.
About This Online Competition
High School Team Registration
For The "Tech Team Coach"
For High School Student Participants

What To Expect

Questions & Answers
Event Guidelines
Important Deadlines

Contact Information

A bright future for Louisiana!

Event Guidelines 
On the morning of the Technology Challenge, your registered team should meet at a location in your school with computers that have reliable Internet access. Your team should be ready to complete a number of tasks that may be somewhat similar (but NOT the same) as those described below. The entire competition must be completed between 8 AM (when the competition files will be available online) until 11:59 AM. There is a stiff penalty for late submissions. After 11:59; every late minute is a deduction of one team point from the team's total score until all the files are submitted. Any team submission that is more than 30 minutes late will NOT be judged. We suggest that you schedule an uninterrupted block of time during the morning of the competition to avoid a late submission.

The Tech Team Coach receives instructions by email for accessing the team "Moodle" account. Each team has the opportunity to practice uploading files to the online team account well before the Challenge starts.

Members of each team should be able to coordinate:
  • Searching the Internet for reliable information using a reliable source of information.
  • Writing clear, complete, grammatically correct sentences, without spelling errors.
  • Completing a variety of tasks that may involve the use of documents, presentations, spreadsheets, images, and links.
  • Downloading and uploading files from a password protected online "Moodle" site. Detailed visual instructions will be provided to the Team Coach for every registered team.
  • Note the calendar which lists deadlines. If you did not get confirmation of registration by the Monday before the event, contact us by email and by phone; in the past, there have been instances when we could receive your email but email from ULM was blocked. In that unlikely event, would need to contact your network administrator and assure that the domain of is not blocked by email filters. 
The Technology Challenge consists of Internet Search (40 points) and a selection of 3 chosen Tasks (20 points each) for a total maximum score of 100 points. In the event of ties among the top finishers, the quality of writing (clear complete sentences with correct grammar) will determine the winners. Your work will be evaluated by a number of well-qualified judges.

Internet-Related Searching For Information (40 points)
There are a total of 20 Internet-related questions, each worth 2 points. Your team should try to answer all of the questions. You will receive the list of specific questions at 8:00 a.m. on the day of the event through your online Moodle account.

Don't copy text and use it as your own answer; instead, describe what you found with your own clear and complete sentences.  No points are awarded if text content is copied.  Use clear and accurate answers. An answer that is inaccurate, incomplete, copied, or unclear earns no points. If a pattern of plagiarism is detected, the submission will NOT be scored. 

Choice Of 3 Challenging Tasks (20 points each)
Your team will choose to complete any 3 tasks from a selection of different tasks, for a total of 60 points. If you complete more that 3 tasks, only the first 3 tasks will be judged.

The judges will determine the merit of the content, design, and layout on a 20-point scale using a grading rubric. Clarity of communication, with clear and complete sentences, is important. Following directions for each task is also important. A list of a selection of specific tasks will be available at 8:00 a.m. on the day of the event.

Don't copy text and use it as your own content; instead, use your own sentences. If text content is copied, you will receive no points.  

These are just sample topics. They WILL BE DIFFERENT for the Technology Challenge.
These are only examples of possible types of topics that a team might be asked to complete.)

A 1-page Theme Layout  (20 points)
Your team will receive a specific theme. Your team will combine design elements into a 1-page theme, as described in the instructions. When finished, save the file as a Word document or as a Powerpoint file.  

A 1-page Poster  (20 points)
Your team will receive details about a specified topic. Your team designs a 1-page poster, as described in the instructions. When finished, save the file as a Word document or as a Powerpoint file.  

Creating A Spreadsheet With Formulas  (20 points)
Your team will receive details for creating a particular spreadsheet. Your team will create a spreadsheet that calculates values accurately, as specified. When finished, save the file as an Excel spreadsheet file.   

Describe The Value Of A Specified Website (20 points)
Your team will receive details for describing a specified educational website.   

Create A Thematic Webpage  (20 points
Your team will receive details for creating a specific theme for a webpage made up of specified elements. 

Design a T-Shirt  (20 points)
Your team will receive details for a particular theme for a T-Shirt, using specified design requirements. Provide the source of any images you use. When finished, save the task on a single page in Word or on a single Powerpoint file. 

Create An Audio File (20 points)
Your team records audio for a specific task. Save the audio file as an mp3 audio file.

Create A Video File (20 points)
Your team creates a video about a specified topic. Save the video file as an mp4 video file.

Promote  A Specific Event Sponsored By A School Organization  (20 points
Your team will receive details for describing something very specific about a school organization, using 1 page, with specified design requirements. When finished, save the files as a Word or Powerpoint file. 

Describe A Specified Famous Person Or Event  (20 points)
Your team will receive details for describing a famous person or event on 1 page. Provide the Internet addresses of 3 websites where you found your information. When finished, save as a Word or Powerpoint file. 

Describe Data Visually  (20 points)
Your team will receive some raw data. Make sense of the information by describing the data visually using images, any type of graph or chart, and appropriate text. Your task should fit on 1 page. When finished, save as a Word, Excel, or Powerpoint file. 

A "Surprise" Category  (20 points)
Your team may receive details about a surprise category. Directions will be provided for completing the task. When finished, save as an appropriate file.

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