As of March 10, 2020, the 2020 Technology Challenge has been CANCELED for the near future to avoid
the remote chance for teams of students to contract the COVID-19 virus.
If your team has already registered, you will receive email
updates. The link to team registration has been disabled until further notice. Email: techchallenge@ulm.edu Any future updates will appear on this website. |
Electronic team registration begins NOW until March 18, 2020. Team registration is free this year.
Team registration is limited to the first 50 high schools.
For all communication, please use the permanent email address for this annual online event:
techchallenge@ulm.edu |
Free Team Registration Begins January 2020  Click HERE for free 2020 team registration. Any high
school in Louisiana is eligible. Only a "Tech Team Coach" should register for your high school.
Note: Please make sure that techchallenge@ulm.edu is NOT blocked by your spam filter. This email address is used for all communications.
Therese Filhiol, College of Arts, Education, and Sciences, University of Louisiana Monroe (ULM) Louisiana High School Technology Challenge Website: https://ulm.edu/techchallenge
Email: techchallenge@ulm.edu ULM Office Phone/Voice Mail (318) 342-1257
Challenge 2020 Electronic Registration Deadline
Registration Deadline There is a strict team registration
deadline. Your high school team registration application needs to
be submitted electronically no later than Wednesday, March 18, 2020. Any
application received after that date will not and cannot
be processed. Please note that registration is limited to the
first 50 high school teams. |
Technology Challenge 2020 Emailed Team Registration Confirmation With Instructions (Team Login and Password)
Emailed Online Account Login Information: By 2 PM, Monday, March 23, 2020
registered teams are contacted by email by 2 PM, Monday, April 1, 2019 with account login information.
The email contains
your team's assigned
team number, team
login, and team password for
your team's online account. That
email also includes detailed step-by-step
visual instructions for
accessing and using your online team account. Your team will have
the opportunity to get familiar with "Moodle"
by practicing in a "sandbox" before the competition starts.
If your team does not receive an email for any reason by 2 PM, Monday, April 1, 2019, please contact us by phone.
Why? In the past, a few high schools had blocked email. (If that is the case, you'll need to contact
your school or district network administrator to "unblock", "whitelist", or "unfilter" email coming from techchallenge@ulm.edu
Technology Challenge 2020
AM - 11:59 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2020 |
The Technology Challenge Takes Place Wednesday Morning, March 25, 2020 Between 8:00 AM And 11:59 AM
The Technology
Challenge takes
place online during the morning. Students in your
high school team should be excused to use your
school's computer lab, or suitable location, during the morning
hours of this day.
- Your team can start the Technology Challenge at 8:00 AM.
- The strict deadline for complete submission of all 4 files is
11:59 AM. There is a
very stiff penalty for late submission of any files. We
use the time stamp of your last COMPLETED submission; every
late minute is a 1 point deduction from the
overall team score.
- Incomplete
team submissions, for any reason, after 12:29 PM will NOT be judged.
it's highly recommended that the team have a pizza party
immediately following the competition. Most participating high schools
do offer this for their students. |
Evaluation By Tech Team Coach
| Each Tech Team Coach is asked
to complete a brief online evaluation of the Technology Challenge.
This is
greatly appreciated. Please complete it by 3 PM today. | Group Order, T-Shirts (Optional)
By 3 PM, March 25, 2020 | Optional Group Order For T-Shirts By 3 PM, March 25, 2020, please indicate by email, optionally, if you wish to make one team order for T-shirts priced @ $5.00 each, tax-free, without a
delivery charge. Again, this is completely optional. The T-shirts are of good quality at a very
reasonable cost. Thanks to sponsorship, the cost of the T-shirts ("Gildan"/ Heavy Cotton"
brand, 100% cotton) includes the logo for the Technology Challenge (shown on the right). If your team does make an order for T-shirts, send a check made out to:
”TechChallenge”, ULM Account 8LHSTC
mailed to this postal address including the finalized (yes, finalized) list of T-shirt sizes: Louisiana High School Technology Challenge 2020 Attn: Therese Filhiol, Louisiana High School Technology Challenge College of Arts, Education, and Sciences, Walker Hall 146 University of Louisiana Monroe
(ULM) Monroe, Louisiana 71209 Note:
If your team places in the "top 5", all winning team members and
the Tech Coach will also receive a complimentary T-shirt. | Results Announced | Thursday, March 26, 2020 By Thursday
morning, March 26, 2020, all Tech Team Coaches will receive
Technology Challenge results by email with relative
rankings using assigned team numbers as identifiers (NOT the
names of
the participating high schools). The top 5 winning teams are identified by name. All results will be displayed on the main page of this website.
The top 5 winning
teams will be notified by email with information about how they will
receive their customized school awards and complimentary T-shirts. |
Mark Your Calendar! Technology Challenge 2021 Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Technology Challenge 2021! The
15th Annual Louisiana High School Technology Challenge
will take place in 2021, on the Wednesday before Mardi Gras. TechChallenge 2021 will take place on Wednesday, February 10, 2021. It will mark the 15th
consecutive annual online high school competition in the great
state of Louisiana. We hope your high school will participate! Mark your calendar!
Team registrations will be limited to the first 50 high schools. Any high school in Louisiana is eligible to participate. Team registrations will begin in January of 2021.
All communications regarding high school registrations should be directed to this email address: techchallenge@ulm.edu