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Student Government Association

Student Fee Transparency

Self-assessed fees refer to student fees that at one time were brought before the student body for a vote, and were passed. Because these fees were previously put in place by students, it is important that students can also be certain how their fees are being used. In the spirit of government transparency, these pages detail the revenues and expenditures of the self-assessed fees currently paid by ULM students. These pages also include the original referendums that were passed by past student bodies.

When reviewing these pages, keep in mind that some departments sometimes get funding from other accounts, like a reserve account.

Fiscal Year 2022 Detail - Student Fees

   31 Ambassadors   Alumni Association   Athletic Facility Fee   Band Travel   Brown Theater   Campus Activities Board (CAB)   Concert Fee   Flight Team   Intramurals   New Library   New Student Center Reserve   Park Maintenance Fee   SGA   Ski Team   Speech & Debate   Spirit Units   Student Involvement Scholarship  Student Publications  Student Radio KXUL   Student Success Fee  Student Support Fee  Student Union  Student Union Renovations  Theater Productions 
Total Revenues                 20,589.35      10,109.71            215,971.46       19,803.48            12,823.66         238,017.38        27,335.57       10,372.40         74,277.75       49,134.20       96,350.21           50,733.16           87,305.67        35,125.02                      -          160,261.12       20,109.72         154,664.23            45,575.39              237,568.60      1,007,328.65     217,806.26        323,967.97        47,834.21
Salaries Total                       913.77                     -                               -                        -                2,591.59              5,202.80        11,347.42          5,850.00         10,333.23                      -                        -                             -                   380.00          2,999.97                      -              1,000.00                      -             39,836.29                  847.16                30,026.53          530,754.60        12,409.88                          -             8,650.00
Wages Total                       210.00                     -                               -                        -                    120.00            13,270.48           6,875.00                       -           16,279.77                      -                        -                             -             12,482.00                       -                        -                           -                        -             40,340.23            11,266.60                               -              10,956.21        13,221.48                          -             9,384.41
Benefits Total                          25.62                     -                               -                        -                    513.35                    17.96           2,962.61                       -                           -                        -                        -                             -                        5.14                       -                        -                  258.84                      -             18,851.81                  476.32                14,969.76          244,762.69                  5.53                          -             3,137.22
Travel Total                                 -                       -                               -         42,153.17                           -              13,331.29              427.44                       -              4,545.08                      -                        -                             -                2,111.97        23,502.00                      -            17,824.74                      -                            -                6,117.27                               -                              -                198.00                          -                          -  
Operating Services Total                       234.80        1,793.07                             -           1,051.13                  655.00            28,024.73              170.00                  5.00            2,915.00                      -                        -             12,258.11              9,272.46              694.50                      -            85,514.55                      -             28,420.20            11,921.02                               -              37,768.28     221,190.23                          -             6,705.00
Supplies Total                 13,875.91                     -                               -           5,279.27              6,937.26         106,173.77                        -            7,415.42         34,132.68                      -                        -             12,857.06           47,707.94          8,666.13                      -            74,295.20                      -                   470.52              5,111.16                               -              14,142.80          1,134.36                          -             4,746.88
Professional Services Total                                 -                       -                               -                        -                9,615.00            76,076.50        10,650.00                       -                           -                        -                        -                             -                2,950.00                       -                        -                           -                        -                            -                             -                                 -                 5,797.04                       -                            -          21,050.00
Other Charges Total                                 -                       -                  2,000.00                      -                             -              37,727.00           1,000.00                       -                           -                        -                        -                             -             13,400.00                       -                        -                           -         10,000.00           17,905.28                           -                  31,625.00               5,000.00                       -          441,461.00           2,200.00
Total Capital Outlay                                 -                       -                               -                        -              10,000.00                           -                          -                         -                           -       150,000.00                      -                             -                3,593.00                       -                        -                           -                        -               1,898.00            77,456.64                               -                              -            3,592.52                          -                          -  
Debt Service Total                                 -                       -              216,097.18                      -                             -                             -                          -                         -                           -                        -                        -                             -                             -                         -                        -                           -                        -                            -                             -                161,031.20          724,057.08                       -                            -                          -  
Miscellaneous Transfers - Decrease                                 -                       -                               -                        -                             -                             -                          -                         -                           -                        -                        -                             -                             -                         -                        -                           -                        -                            -                             -                                 -                              -                         -                            -                          -  
Transfer to Other Funds                                 -                       -                               -                        -                             -                             -                          -                         -                           -                        -                        -                             -                             -                         -         96,481.69                         -                        -                            -                             -                                 -                              -       250,345.00                          -                          -  
Total Expenses                 15,260.10        1,793.07            218,097.18       48,483.57            30,432.20         279,824.53        33,432.47       13,270.42         68,205.76     150,000.00                      -             25,115.17           91,902.51        35,862.60       96,481.69        178,893.33       10,000.00         147,722.33          113,196.17              237,652.49      1,573,238.70     502,097.00        441,461.00        55,873.51
Net Income/Loss                    5,329.25        8,316.64              (2,125.72)    (28,680.09)          (17,608.54)         (41,807.15)        (6,096.90)       (2,898.02)            6,071.99  (100,865.80)       96,350.21           25,617.99           (4,596.84)           (737.58)     (96,481.69)        (18,632.21)       10,109.72             6,941.90          (67,620.78)                      (83.89)        (565,910.05)   (284,290.74)      (117,493.03)        (8,039.30)
Fund Balance as of 6/30/22                 23,059.52      39,180.52            (39,342.26)         7,100.20                (981.22)         226,177.03        (6,069.72)          4,877.13       122,403.74     124,794.13     449,076.84         555,020.16         174,752.98        45,364.01                      -            42,010.83       95,133.71             7,100.53          297,221.32                               -            882,621.98     499,788.77    1,667,898.12        (7,972.11)

