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Office of Online Student Advocacy

Chris smilingI have attended ULM for every degree that I have earned thus far. I think the atmosphere is one of this University's biggest draws.

My parents have always pushed the concept of family and building ties and at ULM the professors and staff know their students and they make efforts to forge relationships that aid in the learning process, unlike a larger university where you may be just a number in a class of hundreds. Everyone is friendly and personable, from the staff in the Student Union Building to the custodial employees in the various Halls and I have come to know them well and respect them greatly. My mother is actually getting her Ed.D from ULM right now as well. Seeing how much she values education makes me push to continue and strive for the highest levels of academia. This holds true for my siblings as well. All of us have attended or are currently attending ULM, I guess that truly makes us a family of Warhawks.

To me, obtaining my MEd through eULM means everything. The freedom that this degree program offers me is what I feel is the greatest aspect of this program. Working in Korea and being 15 hours ahead of the US means that I need the flexibility that eULM offers so I can complete my assignments at my earliest convenience. Working on my second master’s degree through eULM has opened my eyes greatly to the world of education and how varied it truly is. I am so happy to be learning about topics and concepts that I can use in real life as an educator myself. The Educational Technology and Leadership program is making me a better teacher for my students and that is more than I could ever ask for in my career. The end game for me is to obtain my Ph.D in Educational Psychology. I love children and learning so I feel that the education and experience that I have earned at ULM will help me tremendously in reaching my education goals.

If anyone is searching for an environment to foster thought and growth in their educational journey I would definitely tell them to consider attending ULM’s online program, eULM.

-Chistopher Collins, eULM Educational Technology and Leadership Student


If you are interested in learning more about what programs are offered through eULM please give us a call, 318-342-3146 or email us at onlinedegrees@ulm.edu.



The eULM program is now simply referred to as ULM Online.

photo of Karen smiling

Online psychology has reassured me that returning to college was the best decision I could have made...

Karen's story

photo of Danial and family smiling

I love the freedom of being able to study and watch lectures at any hour,...

Danial's  story

photo of Karen smiling by ULM library

...I was traveling internationally for my job quite a bit, so I knew I couldn't take traditional in-class attendance courses.

Karen's story

photo of Kelsey smiling

...I knew that ULM was exactly where I needed to be.

Kelsey's story

photo of Jarred

Obtaining this degree means everything for the future of my family and me.

Jarred's story

photo of Kelsey smiling

The freedom that this degree program offers me is what I feel is the greatest aspect of this program.

Chris's  story
