Anywhere you want to go.
Studying Marketing gives you the freedom to choose your own career path. Be it digital or social media, data science, or marketing management, the benefits of a digital marketing career include being in-demand, higher pay, more career choice, industry versatility, being creative and experimental, working with many different people, and having the skills to get your career started quickly.
What is Marketing?
Marketing is the set of activities that facilitates satisfactory exchanges between firms, customers, and other stakeholders. It includes research, planning, analysis, communications, designing, and working with people. It includes strategic and tactical thinking, active execution of plans, and keeping the best interests of customers and society at heart.
Making sure your program is the right financial investment is an important part of the search process.
COST & FINANCINGYou can use your marketing skills in any industry. Marketing jobs range from quantitative to people-oriented to technological to creative, and everything in between.
Marketing skills such as digital marketing, social media marketing, analytics, or selling are in high demand.
From digital and social media to data science, analytics and artificial intelligence, our marketing curriculum will prepare you to manage these marketing techniques for employers and clients.
Because marketing communicates with large numbers of people in multiple ways, marketing has significant influence on national and world culture.
The Zeta chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon (PSE) provides opportunities in sales and marketing. AdClub provides local networking opportunities and student ad competitions. Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) is the collegiate version of Future Business Leaders of America, and provides a wide variety of competitions and regional and national conferences.
As the voice of the customer inside organizations. UX, or “customer experience” are among the hot jobs in marketing today.
Marketing is a very broad field. Whether you prefer creative work, working with people, or crunching numbers, there are marketing jobs that will provide the kind of career that matches your interests and talents.
Here are a few of the top careers in this field:
Digital Marketing Specialist/Director
Learn Search Engine Optimization and target marketing using simulations and data analytics.
Social Media Marketing Specialist/Director
Convert the firm’s social media presence into measurable value using targeting, creative communications, and analytics
Professional Selling/Sales Management
Be the firm’s dealmaker by understanding the customer’s needs better than they do themselves.
Market Research Analyst
Provide and communicate information for management decision making and stakeholder value.
Graduate school
In addition to the careers listed above, ULM’s marketing program also prepares students who wish to continue their education at the graduate level in the following areas:
Business Administration
Public Relations
Public Administration
If you’ve always dreamed of owning your own business, marketing skills will get you started by identifying your value proposition and potential customers.
Retail Manager
Advertising Creative/Media Buyer
Business Analytics Designer/Analyst
Brand Manager
Chief Marketing Officer
In addition to the business core, the following classes are required for the marketing major.
MRKT3001 Principles of Marketing
MRKT3002 Consumer Behavior
MRKT3005 Personal Selling
MRKT3008 Market Research
MRKT2010 Marketing Ethnography
MRKT3011 Advertising and Sales Promotion
MRKT4006 Business to Business Marketing
MRKT4009 Marketing Management
MRKT4012 Digital Marketing
Choose one from the following: MRKT4010-Professional Selling, MRKT 4011-Marketing Campaigns, or MRKT4013-Social Media Marketing,
One Marketing Elective: choose from Retailing, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Services Marketing, Professional Selling, and Integrated Marketing Campaigns.
List of programs/activities:
Mu Kappa Tau is the Marketing Honor Society
Pi Sigma Epsilon, Zeta Chapter, provides marketing and volunteer assistance to local non-profits and hosts regional and national conferences with competitions emphasizing sales and marketing.
AdClub provides networking opportunities and student ad competitions.
PBL is the collegiate version of Future Business Leaders of America, and provides a wide variety of competitions.
Paid and unpaid internships provide both experience and interaction with professionals.
Community Service: Marketing students provide both volunteer work and marketing services to not-for profit organizations inside and outside the university. For example, an unpaid internship provides social media marketing content for dolphin research. Alternatively, a local Human Services Agency sponsored a competition for the best anti-alcohol campaign. Students also participate in campus Student Life events and mentor younger students.
Professional Development: Both in-class projects and club projects provide marketing experience and networking opportunities. For example, PSE completed a research study for a local transportation hub. PSE Zeta Chapter brought in social media influencer, Jo and Kemp, to explain the how they became influencers in the fashion industry.
Networking: Alumni and social events provide opportunities for students to interact with other students and local professionals. All three organizations, PSE, AdClub, and PBL, host regional and national conferences with competitions.
Learn more about financial aid options: https://www.ulm.edu/financialaid/
Learn more about scholarship opportunities: https://www.ulm.edu/scholarships/