Today, as science unravels the complexities of the universe to supply answers to the mysteries of our world, art can provide the means to understand and continue the process of living in it. As technology moves into the routine of daily life, the appreciation of original, handmade items increases. Artists at ULM embrace traditional media of visual expression as well as the latest computer graphic and image making techniques.
Undergraduate art curricula provide a broad base of visual experience and discipline in a variety of areas. Introductory courses in design, drawing, and art survey provide foundations for advanced work in any medium, as well as support for other programs of the University.
The School of Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA), Art Program, offers the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a major area of concentration selected from ceramics, drawing, graphic design, painting, or art education.
The Art Education program in cooperation with the School of Education provides certification requirements for teaching art at elementary and secondary levels.
Click here for details on the 32nd Annual High School Junior/Senior Juried Art Exhibition, on display from February 24 - March 20, 2025.
Making sure your program is the right financial investment is an important part of the search process.
COST & FINANCINGCollaborative student-faculty research – students work alongside their faculty mentors in creating works of art.
State-of-the-Art technology in the form a fully equipped Mac Lab.
Students are invited to participate in various art competitions on campus including the Annual Jr/Sr High School Competition, and the Annual ULM Student Competition. Many cash awards are given at these various exhibitions.
Students are encouraged to participate in the honorary arts organization on campus called Kappa Pi. Kappa Pi students contribute to various community events, and enjoy various activities including movie night, bowling, and pumpkin carving.
Talent Grants are available for students who exhibit exceptional artistic ability. These can be up to $1000 per year and are available to students who meet the qualifications each year. The link to the Talent Grant application is here: Talent Grant
Advanced Art Majors are awarded a private studio space in Stubbs Hall in which to store art supplies and work collaboratively with other Art students.
This link is a document that we created last year with all of the career possibilities with an Art Degree.
This link is to the different concentration’s degree sheets:
These links are to the concentrations we offer within the BFA Degree:
Requirements for a minor in art:
List of programs/Activities:
Kappa Pi, Delta Alpha Chapter,
International Honorary Art Fraternity
Community service
Participation in the Downtown Art Crawls
Learn more about financial aid options: https://www.ulm.edu/financialaid/
Learn more about scholarship opportunities: https://www.ulm.edu/scholarships/